fredag 7 augusti 2009

Utmaning accepterad!

Rammstein! (Översättning inom parantes)

Are you male or female: Engel (Ängel)

Describe yourself: Der Meister (Mästaren)

How do you feel about yourself: REISE, REISE (Res upp, res upp)

Describe your current boy/girl situation: Sehnsucht (Längtan)

Describe where you currently live: AMERIKA

If you could go anywhere you wanted to go: Seemann (Sjöman)

Your best friend(s) is (are): MEIN TEIL (Min Lem)

Favorite time of day: Sonne (Sol)

If your life were a TV show, what would it be called: Feuer Frei! (Fri eldgivning!)

What is life to you: AMOUR (Kärlek)

What is the best advice you have to give: Spiel mit mir (Lek med mig)

If you could change your name, what would it be: Kokain

My soul’s present condition: Ein Lied (En song)

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